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Ten Marketing Ideas for NonProfits

1. Post fun ideas for families to do together during quarantine.

It is easy to run out of ideas to do being home alone all day. Have your staff come up with their favorite things to do at home with their families and take a poll. This is also a good way to engage your staff while everyone is working remote. Once you have your list of 10, 12, 15, what ever you decide, post it to your social media accounts as a story AND a post so you can reach more of your supporters.

2. Post fun ideas for families to do together during quarantine.

We all really need the positivity now more than ever. Take an inventory of your favorite success stories from your foundations impact and reach out to the people involved. Having them contribute to the blog gives them a reason to share your blog post once it is published and exposes your good works to their friend list. This is a GREAT way to reach more people organically.

3. Go live on Facebook or Instagram as often as you can with updates and news.

Going live on video keeps your supporters engaged with your cause and gives them something fun to watch. You can share news about your staff, your cause, or what plans you are working on for the future. Touching base every once and a while will keep you in the front of your fans minds and keep them primed to donate as soon as they financially can. One side note, if you go live on Instagram specifically, you can invite someone to join your live video. You can utilize this to take questions with quick answers. Every time you do this, your followers will get a push notification that you are "going live" with someone else and will get you a flood of new watchers.

4. Invite your corporate partners to write guest blogs on your website.

Much like #2, getting guest contributors to write on your blog gives them a great reason to share the article with their audience. This is also a great way to build backlinks. Backlinks are important for your website's SEO and builds your google reputation pushing your website further up to the top of the search list. It's a win win.

5. Start a Facebook Fundraiser for your supporters to donate and share.

Right now, Facebook is waving all the fees for nonprofit fundraisers so you can maximize your donations. Even if your supporters can't donate right now, you can ask them to share the campaign to their walls and expose your cause to their friends and family.

6. Reintroduce your team to your fans with a blog or several post.

Come up with a list of questions to ask your staff like, what are you bingeing right now, what is your go to quarantine meal, and so on and post an interview style blog or break it up into some social post. If you do the social post, choose a day every week and post a new person every week on that day. Meet Mondays would be a great idea.

7. Take this time to make sure you have a consistent brand on all of your accounts.

Brand consistency is one of the main things I talk about with all my clients. Check every account you have and make sure your logo is up to date, your cover photos are featuring your newest campaign or area of focus, and ALL OF YOUR LINKS are up to date. Nothing will stall a donation like a broken link.

8. Email your supports with ideas they can do the help during this crisis.

You can google ideas to help during this lock up or you can reach out to your neighboring nonprofits and ask what your supporters can do to help them. You can suggest people make mask for medical workers or retirement homes, they can make grocery runs for the elderly, or other great ideas that are also social distance friendly.

9. Call your biggest donors and ask for a new donation.

Now is the perfect time to reach out to your biggest donors and ask for an emergency donation. You still need to cover your overhead and if they want to get some good karma marketing out of it, you can couple it with your facebook campaign and have them match what ever is raised by a certain date. This gives them a good reason to add it to their news letters, let all their staff get involved, and to share it on their social media accounts.

10. Search for disaster funding options for nonprofits to supplement your cost.

There are a lot of new resources for nonprofits in light of the covid-19 pandemic. Have some of your staff do some searching and make some phone calls and find out what you qualify for.

I hope this helps some of you. Please share this article with your friends and family if you think it can help them.

As always, I am here if you have any questions. Just email me at and I will see what I can do.

Stay Safe, We are all in this together!

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