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Inktober 2019 News!

It’s that time of year and I am finally doing it, I’m doing Inktober!!!!

Only a handful of you know this but I’ve been working on a comic for the last year and a half. Instead of pitching the story to an indie publisher, I decided to create my own publisher named Veritas Comics and this year I will be posting a new character design from my upcoming comic The Grey Wolf every day along with little bios describing who or what they are.

Why did I decide to write a comic?

I have been wanting to create a comic for years. It has been on my artistic bucket list and about two years ago, I decided to gather everything I would write about and organize my thoughts. I knew I wanted to write a superhero style story and wanted to create my own character who could do what ever I wanted to write about.

I ended up coming up with The Grey Wolf. A character who embodies a name that has been passed down from generation to generation allowing me to create stories in any timeline I feel like. By doing this, I can open up his world to be as diverse as I want and create stories for pretty much anyone. Here is a quick break down of the main character.

The Grey Wolf is a Cinematic-Epic told through the perspective of Waylan Ash; who, from a long line of Grey Wolves, is the latest to wear the mantel.  Through out this Saga, we follow The Grey Wolf through various eras and genres including Vikings, Pirates, and Fantasy. At its core, The Grey wolf is a Detective Thriller/Mystery that evolves overtime, giving you small pieces of the puzzle along the way.  There is a central focus of Human Drama, Evolution, and growth as we watch Waylan take up the Grey Wolf Mantel and find out what it truly means to carry that burden.

The First Story

Our first story introduces you to The Leikos, a group that oversees and leads the Grey Wolf Mantel.  Thought out the years, the Liekos has found that testing a potential Grey Wolf is the most effective way to choose the next successor. The final test of the Grey Wolf involves a potential heading into the wilderness to complete a series of trials and test to prove their worthiness. This is where we meet Wayland Ash, an unlikely candidate who just recently found out he has a direct lineage back to the original Grey Wolf. 

Immediately we are thrown into the world as Waylan wakes up on the forest floor next to a stream with no memory of how he got there.  Looking around he doesn't see any of the other 5 potentials.

How did he get here?

What part of the test is this?

Where are the others?

Like I said, I’ve been working on this for the last year and a half/two years so some of these characters are for stories down the road but this preview will be fun to look back at. Please follow @veritascomics to keep up with the sketches and all the news about The Grey Wolf and the launch of his first series in 2020 and check out for more info!

Check out the schedule for what characters will be posted when below.

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