I could not for the life of me find any web examples of people who do what I do for a living. My family always jokes about my "job" and that's only because I don't have one job, one form of income. I have a Career, I am graphic designer and that is what I tell people, but I have multiple forms of income. Some passive and some very, very active lol. Everything I do stems from my design skills.
I am based in Chicago where I live with my beautiful bride. We got married in 2016 and it was, to date, the best thing I've ever done. In our free time we like to visit family in Michigan and go camping as much as we can! On New Years eve, 2018 we were blessed with a son and that would be the second best thing I have ever done.
I also enjoy pretty much anything that has to do with Batman and Star Wars! My wife and I both grew up on Star Wars, and since we are such big fans, we played the theme song when we walked into our wedding reception.